Friday, July 23, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Road is a Long One.


Picture 1 - Drawing of my friend in his Christmas Carol role as the proverbial Jacob Marley. The clouds are green due to the lighting theme in our particular show. There were more chains than this, but alas, I got lazy!
Picture 2 - My friend Matt Erdman as Scrooge's Nephew. Funny story about his laughing pose. Our acting coach asked him if he could laugh like the old men in the Muppets. He delivered with a T-Rex impression. God love that kid, haha.
Picture 3 - Alexander Chuprunov, the Russian exchange student as The Ghost of Christmas Past. His accent gave the role a bizarre, almost ethereal quality to it. The sheen on his candle snuffer and belt looks a lot better in person. THANKS DUMB SCANNER.
Picture 4 - Ryan Chiappetta as Important Gentleman. Technically he was addressed as Jobbins. I spent forever getting the right shade of green for his coat! Plus his ascot was a pain in the ass, pardon the pun.
Picture 5 - And finally myself as Peter Cratchit. Yes, you did read correctly. I was cast as a boy, hurroo! I had a blast playing him, but it was a shock when the cast list first went up. Ignore the dot on my right, my metallic pen decided to drip right as I was poised to strike.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Melting Down Silver.

Hullo, this is a quick post. I'm super sick and I didn't want to let my friend Brian down.

Click for Full View

Presenting to you my mother KJ Harrod. Okay, I say this loosely. She played my mother in A Christmas Carol. I decided one day that I was going to draw my friends and their parts from the play and she was granted first in the order. God, I'm so sick right now I can't even tell what I'm writing. I'm not going to edit this however; this will get a laugh out of me later.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Watch the Horizon

I know, I know, I know! I fell short on my promise of updating at least twice a week! Well, I had a lot of personal issues (such as living circumstances) that took me away from posting! But you can resume breathing because I'm back! And with a historical parody comic!

(click for full view)

Alright, now I know at first this won't make sense but there is a story behind it so listen in! So that's me in the second panel and I am indeed Catholic. The leading lady in the other two panels is Catherine the Great, tsaritsa of Russia in the late 1700's. Long story short, this lady hated Catholics with a strong passion. Whilst reading on a different Russian patriarch, I could not read the word 'tsaritsa' without reading it as 'tsarTITsa', which ironically is one of the things this woman was known for physically: her buxom breasts. Thus, I wanted to fire back at this Catholic-dissing woman with a terrible pun. HAR HAR HAR.

Okay, in all reality she was actually a pretty sweet chickadee and I highly recommend reading up on her. This was also kind've a backlash at a friend of mine who is Russian and makes fun of my Catholicism. Oh, how I love my roundabout way of vengeance! Enjoy! And I will see you soon with more updates!

Picture medium: Pencil (mechanical, .7 lead) on sketchbook paper

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shared Animosity.

Hello again! Time for another piece of artwork by yours truly!

(click to full view)

Tonight we have a picture I drew for my friend Brian
. He wanted a picture of him, myself, and our friend Matt as steampunk pirates. I loved this challenge, simply due to the fact that I love this fashion style! This is one of the few pictures where I actually tried to be detailed. Thus, I captured the cog motif that is really popular in this style. That's all I can really tell you about this piece. So enjoy! Oh, and if anyone knows where to find a hat like the one I drew for myself in this picture, please tell me!!

Picture medium: Pencil (mechanical, .7 lead) on sketchbook paper

Friday, February 19, 2010

Silver is classier than Gold.

Well hello! First actual art post! Hurroo! Well let's get to the logistics then, shall we?

(click for a full view)

So this fine little gentleman we see here is the product of my wonderful friend Laura's idea for a charming storybook. He is nameless as of yet, but she gave me the creative license to go where I wanted with his design (in this stage at least, haha!) He is basically wearing mismatched clothing: an ill-fitting sweater, scarf, shorts, rubber rain boots, and knee socks. I wanted him to be kind of scrappy and adorable, something a young child could relate to in the simplest of ways.
Ironically enough, the original plan was for the book to be in Seuss style, but I wanted to throw this design out there first. Wish me luck that she likes this!

Basic medium: Pencil (mechanical pencil, .5 lead) on sketchbook paper.

Monday, February 15, 2010

And so begins the Revolution.

Good evening and welcome to my new blog!
I'm Katie Livingston and basically this is going to be a blog for my artwork. The title of this has basically nothing to do with my art, but I do hope to rock your world with some pictures I think are view worthy!

I literally got sucked into the idea of a blog by viewing my friend Jenna's photography blog and Lisa and Rachael's blog Token Fats. Their sites are totally noteworthy and I wanted to follow in suit. I have to admit I'm terrible at committing to sites (my deviant art has had a long hiatus) but I hope to update this site at least twice a week! So hold tight and watch for my art!

As an introduction, I'm the ManGirl in the red scarf
(thus the frequent red scare and bolshevik jokes at my expense!)